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The Reset Volume II: Marketing Drivers

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The current state of consumer demands  

  • Marketers need strategies to better engage their audiences in a post-pandemic world 
  • Brands and their leaders must focus on improving consumer trust 
  • Elevating the customer experience is key to success 

Shaping a successful marketing playbook after The Reset 

In this second ebook in The Reset content series, Acoustic CMO  Norman Guadagno offers  specific advice on how to navigate a constantly shifting marketing landscape that is forever  transformed in the wake of COVID-19. 

“Marketers should not only think about how they react to, but also how they shape the world.  Grounded optimism tends to breed more optimism, and positive messages tend to yield more  positive messages. Use The Reset as an opportunity to contribute to the direction of the future,  not simply react to the present.”- Acoustic CMO Norman Guadagno 

Read The Reset: Volume II now for guidance on the reimagined plays marketers must account  for in their playbooks. 

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