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Acoustic Email Benchmark: January - September 2021

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Tackling the Personalization Paradox

Data privacy and security are top-of-mind for consumers today, affecting how they engage with brands. Almost half of consumers feel they can’t protect their personal data, influencing which brands they share information with and, in turn, which brands can effectively personalize communications.

Balancing privacy and personalization to win.

To keep pace, technology providers are changing their privacy practices, which have a direct

impact on marketing: the release of Apple’s iOS 15 update has made metrics like open rates less reliable, forcing marketers to rethink their measurement and reporting strategies, too.

Download the benchmark to find out:

  • How email engagement varied on our platform from January through September 2021, broken down by industry and geographic region.
  • Why we believe consumers crave timely, personalized communications despite being increasingly protective of their data. 
  • Our point-of-view that brands must build consumer trust and add value to drive engagement.

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