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Mobile Marketing

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Make the most of your mobile investment 

If you’re not prioritizing mobile marketing, you could be missing out on significant revenue. That’s because nearly 73 percent of retail e-commerce takes place via mobile. Despite the vast mobile opportunity, many of us will too often focus on just one part of the mobile funnel or one type of mobile communication (SMS or push). Some view it as a top-of-the-funnel driver, only. Some see it as a bottom-of-the-funnel tactical solution that customers will use to buy an item once they’ve done their research elsewhere. 

To maximize mobile channels, you need to maximize every stage.

This requires a concerted effort. Download our ideapaper to learn more how you can rely upon mobile at each segment:

  • Discovery, consideration, and purchase
  • The evolution to loyal customer
  • The holy grail of brand advocacy

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