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Travel and Tourism

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Gaining Customer Insights Before You Lose the Reservation 

Understand the reasons for incomplete bookings

Did you know 40% of travelers report slow or confusing experiences on travel websites? If consumers can’t seamlessly use your site to book their travel, they’ll abandon – perhaps that’s why the cart abandonment rate for the travel industry is higher than average.

Being able to see what customers are experiencing from their point of view can give you the insights you need to optimize your digital properties and boost sales.

The power of digital experience insights

Tealeaf by Acoustic helps brands in the travel and tourism industry uncover the real reasons for customer struggle across their web and mobile properties, providing the insights needed to improve the experience. 

Download this ideapaper to discover:

  • Challenges faced by the travel and tourism industry today
  • How digital customer experience insights can improve booking conversions
  • Success stories from real Tealeaf customers



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