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The Acoustic Guide to SMS

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SMS gives you the chance to communicate through a device nearly every consumer owns. And using it in your marketing doesn’t just get you better performance and outcomes — it also helps you deliver better customer experiences that serve up what people are looking for at the right time.

SMS is one of the most engaged and highest ROI channels available to marketers, with a high volume of messages opened and the majority of them opened quickly. This impact of brevity and immediacy make it an ideal channel for promotion and getting attention, but many marketing organizations still don’t know how to use this channel effectively.

In this guide, we’ll share:

  • An overview of SMS to help you understand its full power
  • Use cases that show how to use it in your overall communications and marketing strategy
  • Industry uses: see how four industries — Retail, Travel and Hospitality, Finance, and Education — are using SMS so you can figure out if it’s right for you
  • 20 best practices that will help you maximize your ROI
  • Getting started with SMS: sample approaches from basic to sophisticated

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